Monday, June 28, 2010

The Dress Form - Mark II

You guys!
Please allow me to introduce Ernesta:

This weekend between G20 shenanigans (shenanigai?), brutal football defeat (my poor sweetie is feeling a bit schlumpy) and new potty excitement, I wrapped myself up in tape and held still for a while.
Ernesta is made of paper watercolour tape ( $4.99 for a giant roll from Curry's art supplies). She's pretty solid (even without stuffing). And she does all my stunts for me. So USEFUL!
I'm so excited about her that I feel like I need to make myself something pretty RIGHT NOW.

She's not actually the first dress form I've made. In fact, it's been a year and change since I made the last one. I've talked about it before here, but here she is in all her cringe inducing glory (and this is her flattering angle! From the back she looks like a badly parked dump truck wrapped in craft paper).

What's funny is that I never actually used her. Except as a tool to really SEE how I looked, and as an inspiration to eat less pie and do more exercise. I think I can finally get rid of her now.

1 comment:

  1. You should keep her and make a new one each year to see how your body changes. Then again, that will take up too much room, take a picture instead.


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